Monday, September 30, 2013

Potions & Stamps Hack (Jailbroken Only, Sorry!)

Hey there!

I figure it’s about time for a new tutorial instead of personal updates!
I’ve been getting questions about how I have so many potions and stamps (9,006 and 9,247 respectively) so here’s my tutorial on how to do this. Unfortunately it’s only for jailbroken devices (sorry!).

You are going to need:
  • A jailbroken device
  • Cydia
  • Sinful iPhone Repo source (
  • iFile (from Sinful)
  • Pocket Frogs (of course!)
  • A couple of working fingers!

All right, here we go!

You’re going to want to add the sinful iphone repo source to your list on Cydia and download iFile (it’s free – if it’s not, you’re not downloading the right one; also it might be a “cracked” version).  

Go into Pocket Frogs and see what your next set is. Mine is “Summer Fruits.” 

Breed/buy all the frogs that you need.

Woo! Now this is where iFile comes in. The app is going to look like this:

Enter the app. It's accessing the files on your device and is where information from your apps is stored. You'll probably be in a weird looking folder (perhaps it's just a forward slash /). Find "var." If you're already in var, then you're ahead of the game!
From var find mobile. Then Applications, then you get to a list of folders that looks like a bunch of numbers and letters thrown together. The Pocket Frogs app folder is going to start out named "C8D7BF56-E4C2..."and is fairly long, as shown below. 

Click on that folder when you find it. There should be another couple folders that say "Documents," "Library," and "Pocket" Click on Pocket You'll have to scroll for a long, long time, and everything is in alphabetical order, but we are looking for a file under the name of "patternTable.csv.txt." 

Click on it. Something like this should show up:

There's a book-looking icon in the bottom right hand corner - click it and bookmark this page. You're probably going to want to find it a little faster next time you use it.

So! Now we get to the fun part. You see a list of all the frog patterns and their levels. In the upper left corner, there's an "edit" button. In my case, I'm going to click edit and alter the levels of Frondis, Pulvillus, Insero, and Lunaris. The levels are the last number in the row after the comma following the pattern name. The highest level the game will recognize is 250 - don't go any higher than that or it'll make your game geek out. 

Once satisfied with changing the levels, press save and done. We're halfway there. Now, since the changes have to take effect, double click your home button and exit out of Pocket Frogs. Then open it back up (so that you see the Pocket Frogs logo and intro screen, thus resetting the game so the levels can change). See? Now that the levels have changed, the number of potions and stamps that I get have changed also. The relation is between how rare the frogs are and how many potions and stamps you deserve for your trouble of collecting this set.

Now redeem, and enjoy your potions and stamps! Also, at this point, if you're not going to give the set to anyone else, you can sell the frogs for an insane amount of money. This is also a good way to earn lots of money fast (which is another tutorial I have already done). 

One last thing: don't forget to go back into iFile and change the levels back to their normal numbers, or else it will be a pain to buy these frogs and you won't be able to breed them. You can also use iFile to change the levels to something lower. For instance, when I need to buy a bunch of high level frogs (or breed a bunch of them) I will first go into iFile and change the levels to 1, which makes them very cheap, very easy to tame, and thus very easy to breed. Then later I can go in and change the level to 250 and in effect multiply the monetary value by over 4,000 times. (You can earn around 235,000 coins per frog this way.) You also might have to play around with the date and time a little bit so that you don't have to wait for the frogs to mature, since the developers are getting smart about their users and the "hacks" we come up with.

Well, I think that's all. If you have any questions, I'm always available by email! I'd love to hear if this benefitted you (or if there's something wrong with this process, or even if you're a little confused!). I love feedback and I desperately want to make sure I'm clear with my tutorials, or else it's more confusing that it is helpful, and we don't want that!

Happy frogging, everyone, and happy October (almost)!



Plus+ ID/Game Center ID: Vickerooni
Don't forget to check out my blog post on how to quickly fill up your froggydex! (
Want free frogs? Request them today!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Frog Patterns

Hey all!

I now have at least one frog out of all the patterns, so now I just need to get cracking on finishing all those colors!

Requests are still open, as always! Shoot me an email with a list of frogs and your ID and I'll get them to you (:

Happy frogging!


Plus+ ID/Game Center ID: Vickerooni
Don't forget to check out my blog post on how to quickly fill up your froggydex! (
Want free frogs? Request them today!