Thursday, June 14, 2012

100% Froggydex/Awards/Sets
100% percent DONE!
I actually finished it about a month ago (May 13-14ish) so this is a little late, but I have neglected to post something about it until now. Anyway! I also have completed all the awards (as you can see in the photo) and have completed all the sets (from Hypnofrog, 2010 set 45 to Father's Day, 2012 set 24.) My Pocket Frogs profile is practically complete!
If you are new to this blog/pocket frogs and wondering (or just wondering), it didn't take me years to achieve this. It actually took me less than one whole year. Still wondering how I did it? I have a post here on how to fill your froggydex up really quickly! It makes things go a lot faster.(

Please check it out - you'll be happy you did. 

Anyway, that's all for now!
Vickerooni out. 


Plus+ ID: Vickerooni
Don't forget to check out my blog post on how to quickly fill up your froggydex! (

Monday, May 14, 2012

Normal Frog Combinations to get Chroma and Glass Frogs

Normal Frog Combinations to get Chroma and Glass Frogs 

(The first two frogs are the frogs you NEED; the third and final frog is the product of those two)

Purple Viola Puncti and Olive Cafea Puncti for Glass Viola Puncti
Maroon Tingo Tribus and Orange Albeo Puncti to get a Glass Tingo Tribus
Lime Callaina Anura and Red Floris Anura for a Lime Chroma Anura
Red Bruna Tribus and Cocos Carota Tribus for a Red Chroma Tribus
Purple Picea Tribus and Yellow Aurum Tribus for Glass Picea Tribus
Purple Picea Tribus and Aqua Albeo Tribus for Glass Albeo Tribus
Blue Carota Lanterna and Pink Muscus Tribus for Glass Muscus Lanterna
Red Bruna Lanterna and Yellow Tingo Lanterna for Glass Tingo Lanterna
Yellow Tingo Lanterna and Aqua Pruni Lanterna for Glass Pruni Lanterna
Lime Floris Lanterna and Blue Carota Lanterna for Glass Floris Lanterna
Olive Caelus Lanterna and Beige Viola Lanterna for Glass Viola Lanterna
Aqua Pruni Lanterna and Beige Viola Lanterna for Glass Pruni Lanterna
Aqua Folium Crustalli and Black Picea Anura for Glass Picea Crustalli
Aqua Pruni Lanterna and Violet Ceres Lanterna for Glass Ceres Lanterna
Royal Tingo Crustalli and Beige Callaina Anura for Glass Tingo Crustalli
White Viola Adamantis and Golden Picea Roboris for Glass Viola Roboris
Black Tingo Viduo Golden Albeo Roboris for Glass Albeo Viduo
White Floris Cesti and White Floris Nimbilis for Glass Floris Nimbilis
Black Viola Anura and White Picea Floresco for Glass Viola Floresco
Olive Folium Gyrus and Blue Callaina Persona for Glass Folium Persona
Red Albeo Orbis and Orange Picea Signum for Glass Picea Signum
Red Albeo Orbis and Blue Callaina Persona for Glass Albeo Orbis
Blue Carota Amfractus and Cocos Ceres Magus for Glass Carota Magus
Emerald Callaina Adamantis and Purple Pruni Adamantis for Glass Callaina Adamantis
Lime Tingo Anura and Black Caelus Adamantis for Glass Tingo Adamantis
Cocos Cafea Signum and Azure Carota Signum for Glass Carota Signum
Pink Albeo Signum and Royal Folium Signum for Glass Albeo Signum
Purple Pruni Signum and Black Caelus Signum for Glass Caelus Signum
White Picea Roboris and Black Caelus Signum for Glass Caelus Roboris
Aqua Bruna Roboris and Azure Carota Roboris for Glass Carota Roboris
Azure Carota Roboris and Pink Albeo Roboris for Glass Albeo Roboris
Pink Albeo Partiri and Violet Aurum Partiri for Glass Albeo Partiri
Maroon Albeo Serpentis and Azure Carota Geminus for Glass Albeo Geminus
Red Albeo Serpentis and Olive Tingo Serpentis for Glass Tingo Serpentis
Olive Tingo Serpentis and Orange Aurum Stellata for Glass Tingo Serpentis
Tangelo Aurum Stellata and Cocos Cafea Stellata for Glass Cafea Stellata
Green Floris Stellata and Olive Tingo Stellata for Glass Floris Stellata
Emerald Callaina Stellata and Beige Ceres Stellata for Glass Ceres Stellata
Pink Albeo Stellata and Cocos Cafea Stellata for Glass Albeo Stellata
White Carota Stellata and Cocos Cafea Stellata for Glass Cafea Stellata
Purple Pruni Dextera and Violet Aurum Dextera for Glass Aurum Dextera
Beige Ceres Viduo and Tangelo Carota Viduo for Glass Ceres Viduo
Golden Caelus Viduo and Emerald Callaina Viduo for Glass Callaina Viduo
Lime Pruni Viduo and Cocos Cafea Viduo for Glass Cafea Viduo

Feel free to email me if there are errors in the above combinations!


Plus+ ID: Vickerooni
Don't forget to check out my blog post on how to quickly fill up your froggydex! (

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Make Lots of Money Fast! When Cheating Comes in Really Handy by Vickerooni

Pocket Frogs –  Make Lots of Money Fast! When Cheating Comes in Really Handy
by Vickerooni

Welcome! This is mainly for those of you who have jailbroken devices. (If you have a jailbroken device, skip to down a couple paragraphs to begin the tutorial.) For those of you with non-jailbroken devices, you may still read on.


**NOTE: Sometimes you won't get the exact frog you wanted - sometimes even the breed type will change! I'm not liable if this happens! If you end up getting 255 Anuras, then you're still earning money, so don't come complaining to me!**

Clear out your mailbox. Buy the most expensive frog you have/can think of. (Believe me, it will pay off immensely.) So say I bought a Veru. Wait for it to arrive in the mailbox (or use the time cheat and skip forward a few days in your “time and date” settings). DON’T click on the frog yet. Go into your mailbox and look at it. Looks pretty doesn’t it? Looks expensive, huh? Here’s the crucial part. Hold your hand up. Make the peace sign with your first and middle fingers. After you click on the frog in the mailbox, make sure to touch your choice habitat screen with BOTH FINGERTIPS at the SAME TIME. So click on the frog in the mailbox. Click on the HABITAT with BOTH FINGERS. If it worked, you should have two Verus (or your choice expensive frog) in your desired habitat. Also, you should have around 250 of that same frog (although it’s highly possible it will be an entirely different color) in your mailbox. Add to your habitats and sell as you please. See? Money money money (:

(MATH EXAMPLE: I bought an Olive Tingo Veru for 101,570 coins. Seems like a lot, doesn’t it? I waited for it to arrive in my mailbox, did the cheat properly and ended up with 255 of a Veru frog. The max value for that frog (around 10,157) multiplied by how many frogs I can sell (255) equals 2,590,035 coins! The price you paid for that frog (101,570) has been multiplied 25.5 times. Your total profit is 2,488,465 coins. Appreciate this cheat. It is amazing.


All right, now is for those of you who have a jailbroken device. Welcome! First of all, you need to go and find iFile in Cydia (the cracked version from SiNfuL iPhone Repo, preferably:

Okay! Now for the cheating :D

All righty. Firstly, clear out your mailbox. I just recently did this cheat (and this is the first time something has been wacky) and had the choice frog in the mailbox for a while during the time other items had been pushed through. I ended up with not the frog I wanted, but 250 bronze stars instead. No thanks, that’s not what I wanted. So, clear out your mailbox!! 

I usually choose a level 1 frog, like an Anura initially, just to make things simpler. So buy your choice low-level frog and go look at it in the mailbox. Click on it in the mailbox and WAIT. When the habitats pop up and you go to choose one, click on the habitat with TWO FINGERS, like you’re kissing your screen with your fingertips from the peace sign. If it worked, you should have two of that frog in the habitat and around 250 in your mailbox. NOTE: It should be the same frog, but it’s very possible the colors were replaced with different ones. For example, I ordered a black caelus anura and did this cheat and ended up with all green callaina anuras. Same frog breed, just different colors. Don’t freak out, it’s all right. 

So, now that you’ve got a ton of these frogs in your mailbox, WAIT again. You’ve got two in your choice habitat. Now using iFile comes into play. You will need to find a text file named “PatternTable.csv.” Go into iFile. Click Applications. There should be a long list of seemingly random letters and numbers. Scroll until you see something looking like this: “5BB00E15-A1B4…-894B4AD2B507”. Click on that folder. If it’s the right one, it should have folders named “Documents,” “Library,” “Pocket,” and “tmp.” Click on the Pocket folder. You’ll have to do a lot of scrolling here. All the files are arranged alphabetically, so keep scrolling until you hit things that begin in M, N, O, and P. Eventually you should see a file named “patternTable.csv.txt.” [We want patternTABLE, not patternCOLORS.] Click on that file (in Text Viewer, if it asks you) and it should bring up a list of all the frogs, their names, and levels.  “Pattern ID,name,level” should be across the top of the page. All right, so now that you’re here, click on the book in the bottom right corner to Add Bookmark, because we both know you’ll want to use this ability to your advantage in the future and adding this page as a bookmark makes things a ton easier. 

After you’re done bookmarking, click “Edit” in the top left corner and click on the page beside “Anura” where is should have a number 1 in the “level” row. Change that level to 250 (it’s the highest the game will go). Click “save” in the top right hand corner and “done”. If on a newer iOS with this capability, double click the home button to bring up your quick menu (or multitasking menu) on the bottom of the screen. Press and hold on the pocket frogs app until an x comes up in the corner. “Delete” it off your quick menu.
Exit out of your quick menu. Click on the app. It should bring up the Pocket Frogs loading screen. Now go into your mailbox. Voila! You should have 250-some frogs at level 250. (Make sure you change the level BEFORE you begin putting them in your habitat after the first two frogs, or else you’ll have to wait 48 hours for them to hatch or mess with the time on your device!)

So now that they are all at level 250 and around 244,000 coins each (max value), begin placing them in your habitats and promptly selling them! Every four or so frogs will get you a million coins!
So that little Anura you bought for, what, how many coins? Five hundred? That amount was multiplied around 488 times to get to 244,000. And 244,000 multiplied by 255 (the amount of frogs in your mailbox) is 62,220,000 coins! Appreciate this cheat. It will make you rich in a matter of minutes. 

Thanks for your time!
Vickerooni out.


Don't forget to check out my blog post on how to quickly fill up your froggydex! (
Plus+ ID: Vickerooni
(How to breed and obtain chroma and glass frogs:

Saturday, January 21, 2012

More Timey-Wimey Cheating

These are some cheats utilizing the time cheat that Nicolala99 told me about. Enjoy! And send her frogs as thank you (:

How to receive an item from the mailbox when it has already been accepted
     Step 1: Move the time forward the amount of time it will take for the item/frog to arrive. 
     Step 2: Enter pocket frogs and go into the mailbox, then tap 'place'. If you are placing an item for a habitat or a background, place it in the habitat you want. If you are placing a frog, DO NOT PLACE IT YET!
     Step 3: If you don't have any frogs to place (only habitat items), then you can switch to the correct time. If you have selected 'place' for a frog, then continue with the following instructions.
     Step 4: Before you place the frog, go back to the correct time using settings> general> date and time, then go back to pocket frogs and it should show your habitats. Select the habitat you want your frog to be in, and voila! Your frog is hopping around in your habitat and your time is set correctly.

To have a gift from the pond or a friend arrive instantly
     Step 1: When the message for the gift appears on your pocket frogs screen allowing you to accept or decline, quickly exit the game without selecting an option.
     Step 2: Move the time backwards by two days from the correct time, and go back into pocket frogs. The message should still appear. Select accept, and then move forward to the correct date and time using settings. When you go back to your pocket frogs, the gift will be waiting to be placed.

     If you are totally confused and don't have a clue what I mean by "time cheating," then please mosey on over to my blog post about how exactly to manipulate your time and date settings to allow you to get frogs and items faster:

     If this guide didn’t make sense, feel free to email me with any questions and concerns.

Don't forget to check out my blog post on how to quickly fill up your froggydex! (
Plus+ ID: Vickerooni
(How to breed and obtain chroma and glass frogs:

Friday, January 13, 2012

By the Way...

Follow me on this blog/add me on Pocket Frogs and I'll send you a free legendary frog as a gift!
Plus+ ID: Vickerooni


Don't forget to check out my blog post on how to quickly fill up your froggydex! (
Want eight free frogs? Request them today! (
Plus+ ID: Vickerooni
(How to breed and obtain chroma and glass frogs:

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Shh!...It's time for Cheating

Shh!...It’s time for cheating
Yes, cheating. Gasp!
Chill. It’s not that bad. It’s also the only real cheat I know for the game. (Well, there are a few other ones, but those are more involved.) Anyway, back to the reason I’m here.
This cheat is basically a time cheat. I will show you how to trick Pocket frogs into thinking it’s time for your frogs to hatch and things in your mailbox to arrive.
All right. First of all, you’ll need Pocket Frogs open and also Settings (this is mainly for iPod Touch/iPhone/iPad users – however, if you can manage to navigate to a similar place as far as settings for time goes, then have at it.)
Now, let’s say you want to breed a Magus and a Veru, but you really, really don’t want to wait two whole days just for the eggs to hatch. Well you’re in luck! Before you begin the breeding process, go into the aforementioned settings, general, and then date & time. For some of you, you have “set automatically” activated. Just for this, deactivate it. Now that it’s off, click “set date and time” and scroll the day back two days. For example, today it’s the ninth of January. I’ll scroll it back to the seventh.
Next, (for those of you that have multitasking, double click the home button and go into Pocket Frogs) go back to the Pocket Frogs app and wait a few seconds for it to register the time change. Your frogs should begin hopping around like normal within a short period of time. Now is when you breed your Veru and Magus. Do it eight times if you’d like. Once all your little eggs are bouncing around in the nursery, go back into the settings app.
Now, however, instead of scrolling backwards, you’ll scroll forwards two days, ending on the current date. And like magic, all your eggs will have turned into fully grown frogs! Within seconds you have what would have taken 48 hours to achieve. How’s that for an amazing cheat?
You can also trick your mailbox using the same technique. Say I want to purchase a Roboris that I accidentally sold and really want back. Before I purchase it, I’ll go into settings, general, and date & time again. Roboris’ don’t take two days to get mailed, so I’d scroll back one day (i.e. today is the ninth so I’d scroll back to the eight). Now I’ll go back to the Pocket Frogs app and purchase said Roboris. Then, like a quick, sly little fox, I’ll jump back over to the settings app, scroll back to today’s date and then flip back over to Pocket Frogs and voila! I have my Roboris like it was sent yesterday. Pretty neat, huh?

Edit: I often find myself breeding frogs or ordering them from the froggydex before I remember to turn back the time, so here's a way to work around that. Please make sure to follow all these instructions exactly because NimbleBit has gotten smart with their newest update.
First, now that you've got a bunch of little eggs or frogs waiting in your mailbox, go to the Settings app and back into Date & Time, like in the guide above. Today is June 15, so I would scroll forward two days like normal. Go back to the Pocket Frog app and your wee little babies should be fully grown adults (and the frogs in your mailbox should be prime for picking, although you should wait until after the time changes are done to place them, just to be safe.
Go back into time settings, but DON'T SCROLL BACK TWO DAYS. Scroll back four days, stopping two days before the actual date (i.e. to June 13 instead of June 15). Go back into Pocket Frogs, just enough for it to register the time change. Then go back to Settings again and then this time you may change it back to the original date (June 15). Voila! You've gotten the frogs you want faster than you actually had to wait! AND you got around the sneaky sneaky NimbleBit-ers who tried to prevent us from doing this.

If your curious, I found out the hard way what happens when you do it like you would normally after you've already bred frogs. I changed the time two days forward (usually I would breed to sell, so I'd sell all the grown ups off) and then after my business was done, I'd go back to the original date - just to find that ALL OF MY FROGS, no matter how old they had been, we're reverted back to babies in eggs as if they had JUST BEEN BORN. While this isn't an issue, because you can just skip two days forward and work in the app like normal, that is a bit of a nuisance and I don't like manipulating time too much past the original date because I use my iPhone for more than just Pocket Frogs and I need the time to be normal.

Welp, that's it's for me!

If this guide didn’t make sense, feel free to email me with any questions and concerns.


Don't forget to check out my blog post on how to quickly fill up your froggydex! (
Plus+ ID: Vickerooni
(How to breed and obtain chroma and glass frogs:

Monday, January 9, 2012

Rules for Requesting Frogs

Rules for Requesting Frogs
Yes, I do have rules. I know, I know. You might think I’m a little ridiculous, but be thankful that I am willing to give away legendary frogs for absolutely nothing in return :P
                Anyway, rules.
                Number one: The maximum number of frogs you can request from me is eight. (Never mind about this rule. Request away! I will determine when you've requested too many frogs.)
                Number two: The frogs can range from Anuras to Verus (level one or level sixteen) and anywhere in between. I’ve definitely got it. (100% done with froggydex, remember.) You can ask for eight Verus if you really want to.
Number three: You may request a specific frog combination (i.e. a Red Folium Lanterna). However, just know that it will take me a little bit more time to get that frog to you than if you simply asked for a Lanterna of any color combo.
Number four: Give me a week to fully complete your request. If I haven’t sent you even one frog within seven days, feel free to spam my mailbox with reminders.
Number five: Set up your request like so (obviously I need to know who to send the frogs to and what frogs to send):
(By the way, send this email to with the subject "Frog Request")
Plus+ username: (example: Vickerooni)
Frogs requested: (up to eight frogs)
Number six: Act at least a little bit grateful. Haha, just kidding.
Not really.

Anyway, I encourage you to utilize my free services! I require nothing in return. This isn’t a trade or a bartering thing. The frogs are free. (:
Have a great day! And feel free to add me on Pocket Frogs.


Don't forget to check out my blog post on how to quickly fill up your froggydex!(
Plus+ ID: Vickerooni
(How to breed and obtain chromas and glass frogs:

Sunday, January 8, 2012

How to Breed Frogs Quickly and Easily

How to Breed Frogs Quickly and Easily
by Vickerooni

(Video version of this tutorial:

Good day, lovely human being (: I’m here to explain my efficient, quick way to breed frogs and fill up your froggydex. (To prove this, I’m at 62% with 11,963 frogs after only about half a year of playing the game off and on. (Shown in picture to the right)) I’m sure other people have already figured this out, so I am in no way claiming this idea to be originally mine. I simply, on my own, constructed a way that worked for me based on the mechanics of the game Pocket Frogs.
               Let’s begin, shall we?
               All right. First of all (and this is going to be the most difficult step for some of you depending on how full your froggydex is) you’ll need to pick one breed to complete. I’m working on completing my Gyrus frogs right now.


This is the list of combinations of frogs you’re going to need in order to cover all 16 secondary colors (Tingo thru Chroma) and 23 base colors (Maroon through Glass): In the first habitat, you’ll need: Olive Tingo, Azure Carota, Violet Aurum, Royal Folium, Glass Muscus, Emerald Callaina, Black Caelus; (Second habitat): Purple Pruni, Blue Viola, Beige Ceres, Green Floris, Pink Albeo, Aqua Bruna, Cocos Cafea; (Third habitat): Orange Picea, Yellow Chroma (Fourth and final habitat; in this habitat, all that is important is the base color. The secondary color can be anything. Also, this habitat is mainly a storage habitat.): Maroon, Red, Tangelo, White, Golden, Marine, Lime.

Once you have all those combinations, you’re pretty much already halfway done (: This is honestly the hardest part, especially if you don’t have the combinations already somewhere in your froggydex. Once you get the first round of them done, the next few breeds will be super easy. (I’ll explain this at the end of the guide.)
So now that you’ve got your habitats looking nice and pretty with all these frogs lined up, naturally you should start with the Maroon frog. (Well, first you need to take all of them to the pond to tame them, but that’s just technicalities.) Pull Mr. Maroon out of the fourth habitat and into the first one with the Tingo - Caelus combinations. (For the sake of my already finishing the Maroon set of Gyrus, I’ll be using Mr. Red to demonstrate the next step.) Now select Menu, Froggydex, and scroll to the breed of choice you are going to fill. Mine is Gyrus. Click on the breed and the base colored frog to check out what frogs of that base need secondary colors. For instance, for my Red Gyrus frog, I still need Red Aurum, Red Folium, and Red Muscus in the first habitat.

Now that I know what I’m missing, I’ll go back to the first habitat and begin breeding Mr. Red with the frogs that have the secondary colors that I need. To breed, select the frog you want to breed with (Mr. Red, for me) and select the heart before selecting the frogs you want to make babies and combinations with. (In this case, I would breed Mr. Red with Violet Aurum, Royal Folium, and Glass Muscus. I usually breed with the same frog four times, so in the first batch I could possibly get my Red Aurum and Red Folium.) After you breed eight frogs (that’s the limit for the nursery), go to your froggydex and check to see if your frog combinations were fulfilled. (I suppose it’s a bit of a loophole, but the froggydex will tell you if any one of your eggs in the nursery is the frog you need. For example, if you’re looking for a certain frog but don’t want to wait for all the eggs to hatch, just check the amount of coins the egg costs and go into your froggydex to match it up.)
I’ve successfully bred the Red Aurum and the Red Folium so now I’d move on to getting the Red Muscus. Once I’m done with the combinations in the first habitat, I’ll pluck Mr. Red out of the first habitat and drop him in the second one to do this process over again. Finally, once I’m done with the combinations in the second habitat, I’ll drop Mr. Red in the last breeding habitat (third) to get the Picea and Chroma secondary colors. When I have 16/16 for the Red Gyrus frog, I’ll put him back in the fourth habitat. DO NOT SELL THESE FROGS AFTER YOU’RE DONE WITH THEM. You may think you can be rid of them after you’ve bred them, but you’re not done with them.
Thus begins the final and circling step of this entire breeding process, all for the sake of efficiency. At this point, you should have 100% next to the selected name of breeding. (In my case, I should have 100% beside “Gyrus” in the first level of the froggydex.) If you don’t have 100% yet, do not begin this next step. You aren’t ready.
For those of you who are, let’s begin.
Choose which breed you want to complete next. For me, it would be Insero because I’m going from bottom to top in the froggydex. Anywho, make sure you have a frog of that breed. The color combination does not matter for this frog. Stick your frog (in my case, Insero) in the first habitat. Begin breeding the new frog (Insero) with all the combinations until you get the same combinations in the new frog. For instance, once I’m done breeding all the frog combinations with the Insero, I will have ended up with an Olive Tingo Insero, Azure Carota Insero, Violet Aurum Insero, etc., all the way through the Lime frog in the fourth habitat. In this way, you easily replace the frogs from the old set with frogs from the new set you are trying to complete. This is the epitome of efficiency in this game. Like I said before, the very first frog breed you try to complete will be the hardest. After that, you have begun a cycle that will simply repeat and repeat until your froggydex is 100% complete. (:
 I hope this guide was at least a smidge helpful and understandable. If not, email me any questions or concerns at

Thank you for taking interest (: I would greatly appreciate some feedback if this guide assisted you in any way.
Have a fabulous day!

Want eight free frogs? Request them today! (
Plus+ ID: Vickerooni
(How to breed and obtain chroma and glass frogs:


Good eve, lovely humans!

I've just begun this blog in order to assist the faithful pocket frog-ers out there who desire to learn more about what they can do to increase the percentage of their froggydexes and also teach about a simple "cheat" that can make all that waiting for those legendary frogs come to an end. I also take requests for frogs (I'll write a post covering my "rules" for that later).
Anyway, I hope you enjoy my blog and all the information it contains (:

Happy frogging,


Plus+ ID: Vickerooni
(How to breed and obtain chroma and glass frogs: