Monday, January 9, 2012

Rules for Requesting Frogs

Rules for Requesting Frogs
Yes, I do have rules. I know, I know. You might think I’m a little ridiculous, but be thankful that I am willing to give away legendary frogs for absolutely nothing in return :P
                Anyway, rules.
                Number one: The maximum number of frogs you can request from me is eight. (Never mind about this rule. Request away! I will determine when you've requested too many frogs.)
                Number two: The frogs can range from Anuras to Verus (level one or level sixteen) and anywhere in between. I’ve definitely got it. (100% done with froggydex, remember.) You can ask for eight Verus if you really want to.
Number three: You may request a specific frog combination (i.e. a Red Folium Lanterna). However, just know that it will take me a little bit more time to get that frog to you than if you simply asked for a Lanterna of any color combo.
Number four: Give me a week to fully complete your request. If I haven’t sent you even one frog within seven days, feel free to spam my mailbox with reminders.
Number five: Set up your request like so (obviously I need to know who to send the frogs to and what frogs to send):
(By the way, send this email to with the subject "Frog Request")
Plus+ username: (example: Vickerooni)
Frogs requested: (up to eight frogs)
Number six: Act at least a little bit grateful. Haha, just kidding.
Not really.

Anyway, I encourage you to utilize my free services! I require nothing in return. This isn’t a trade or a bartering thing. The frogs are free. (:
Have a great day! And feel free to add me on Pocket Frogs.


Don't forget to check out my blog post on how to quickly fill up your froggydex!(
Plus+ ID: Vickerooni
(How to breed and obtain chromas and glass frogs:

1 comment:

  1. May I have an ohmus frog? Any color. My neighbor code is 2DBF6
